Standaard werken over boktorren.
• Bense(Ulrich). Longhorn Beetles.
Illustrated Key to the Cerambycidae and Vesperidae of Europe.
/ Bockkäfer. Illustrierter Schlüssel zu den Cerambyciden
und Vesperiden Europas. Weikersheim, Margraf Verlag, 1995,
• Villiers (A.). Faune des Coléoptères
de France. Cerambycidae. Paris, Editions Lechevalier, Encyclopédie
Entomologique, vol.XLII, 1978, 611p.
• Muylaert (Ann). Fauna van België. Boktorren
(Cerambycidae). Brussel, K.B.I.N., 1984, 147p.
• Sama (G.). Atlas of the Cerambycidae of Europe and
Mediterranean area. Northern, western, central and eastern Europe.
Zlin, Nakladatelstvi Kabourek, vol.1, 2002, 173p.
Werken over biologie & verspreiding.
• Niehuis (Manfred). Die Bockkäfer
in Rheinland-Pfalz und im Saarland. Mainz, GNOR- Eigenverlag,
Fauna und Flora in Rheinland-Pfalz, vol.26, 2001, 604p.